Martin Berg
Born 1960
MSC, EE 1983


2005-: Martin Berg Consult

1990-2005: Oracle Danmark

1989-1990: Tom Petersen International

1985-1989: Danish Data Elektronics

1983-1985: Danica Elektronik


Oracle experience starting with Oracle 4

Delivery of most of the database curriculum for Oracle Universitys - including MySQL

Product manager for Oracle Database and Oracle Enterprise Manager (2003-2005)

Heading "System Management & Performance professional community" for EMEA Consulting, Oracle (2001-2003)

Premium Services (technical expertise task force in Oracle Support)

Leading SQL*Forms 3.0 expert for Northern Europe

Miscelleanous management roles


2000: Whitepaper: “Tuning Queries by Eliminating Throwaway” - describing a structured approach to tune SQL queries

1999: Author of the Oracle8i version of “Everything You always wanted to know about the Oracle Optimizer” (Oracle University)

1998: Co-author of “Oracle 8 SQL Statement Tuning Workshop” (Oracle University)

Selected tasks:

Full implementation of a "Maximum Availability Architecture" installation intended for a critical system with a high availabilty requirements

Total rewrite of core functionality in critical application - the goal was to make significant performance improvements and document the complex query implemented. The task included rewrite of an undocumented view with 1000+ lines of code.

Leading on the Oracle 10g / Grid Computing launch at Oracle Denmark

Migration of the first RAC reference customer for Oracle Denmark

Migration of a data warehouse from SUN to Linux – one of the first Linux references for Oracle Denmark

Formulating the "Throw-away" method for a structured approach to tune SQL statements. Was incuded in the "Performance Tuning Guide" for Oracle 10g

Designing and development of “PSPMon” - a tool for automatic aquisition and analysis of performance data - could later be replaced by Statspack in Oracle 8i

Leading the first trainee program for new hires for Consulting

Definition of technical guidelines for building SQL*Forms 3.0 applications and developing an automated tool for verifying the compliance